The flexible open source ASN.1 framework for Java and C# (.NET)
(c) 2006-2011 by Abdulla G. Abdurakhmanov

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BinaryNotes is the ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) framework for Java and .NET.

The framework contains:

  • Encoding/decoding library. The library has BER, DER and PER implementation.
  • BNCompiler - the extensible ASN.1 compiler which is able to generate Java or C# code for the specified ASN.1 input file. The generated code has annotations/metadata that uses the compiler in runtime. You can customize the generated files by change the original XSL-templates or create your own templates.
  • BinaryNotesMQ - simple to use, compact and fast Messages Queues based on ASN.1 encoding which allow to co-operate applications in mixed .NET/Java environment. RPC-style is supported too.
    The notes about BNMQ performance is available at my blog: Remoting frameworks performance comparison...

If you are novice in ASN.1 then you can start from

2011-09-14 Project migrated to Apache Licence v2 from LGPL/GPL v2. Version 1.5.3 is released and project is suspensed now, sorry! Please read announce at SourceForge forum.
2007-09-02 Version 1.5.0 is released and roadmap has been updated!
2007-02-11 Version 1.4.2 is available!
2007-01-27 The bugfix version 1.4.1 is released!
2007-01-18 The high-performanced version 1.4.0 is available! Another available features is: Java 1.6, .NET CF, BNMQ improvements
2007-01-09 Version 1.3.0 with new subproject named BinaryNotesMQ (Messages Queues) has been released and available for download!
Version Date Features Status
1.3 Q1-2007
  • BinaryNotes Message Queues
1.4 Q1-2007
  • The fast encoding/decoding feature (without use Reflection API (annotation/attributes) and with static meta-class information code)
  • Migrating to Java 6
  • Supports for .NET Compact Framework 2.0
  • BNMQ lightweight point-to-point message/RPC internetworking (without use Queues)
1.5 3Q-2007
  • Support for COMPONENTS OF
  • Support for value/constant definitions
  • OBJECT IDENTIFIER data type support
1.6 Unknown
  • Support for extension markers (...)
  • Multiply files processing for BNCompiler
... (Not assigned) -
  • Load-balancing features for BinaryNotesMQ
  • Supports for BNMQ message LifeTime
  • JCA/JMS provider
BinaryNotes is licensed under Apache Licence v2.
BinaryNotes Developers Guide:
BinaryNotes can be downloaded from sourceforge. Also use sourceforge for submit your a bug report, a feature request, a patch or anything.